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I am a second-year PhD student in the School of Intelligence Science and Technology at Peking University. I am in the PKU VIS Group, supervised by Prof. Xiaoru Yuan. Before entering the PhD program, I received my Bachelor of Science degree as a member of the Turing Program from the School of EECS at Peking University, in 2023.
My main interest is how people make sense of things and how to facilitate sensemaking, i.e., developing an understanding of the information space when they have insufficient knowledge about it. My research uses visual analytics, which combines human and machine intelligence, to support sensemaking in professional domains, such as humanities, and everyday tasks. Particularly, I'm interested in understanding and leveraging analytic provenance, i.e., the context and process of analysis, which I believe is a key to learn about and empower sensemaking. Currently, I am working on interactive visual interfaces aiming to provide personalised support for generative AI users.

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